
De Resistenzmusée zu Esch: d’Entwécklung vun engem architektonesche Monument [7.30pm @Musée - LU]


Venue : 
National Museum of Resistance and Human Rights

Place de la Résistance

Time :
7.30 pm

Language :


Participant :

Nathalie Jacoby (NJOY)

Jim Clemes (Jim Clemes Associates)

Frank Schroeder (MNRDH)

Alain Linster (Lëtzebuerger Architektur Musée)

As part of "Biennale Architectures Esch"


The unique architecture of the National Museum of Resistance is the subject of this round table.

After the architects Schmitt and Schmitt-Noesen won the architectural contest to build the museum, it was inaugurated in 1956. Since then, the Museum and its monument, the Justice of Peace Court and the Employment Office have shaped the image of the city of Esch. It is an impressive and complex building. With its open forecourt and columns, it resembles a "sanctuary" or even an "open-air cathedral".

Between 2018 and 2023, the museum was completely renovated and extended. Since March 2024, the museum has a new permanent exhibition on a triple surface area, with a completely redesigned museography.

During this round table discussion, we will also take a look at the seven projects that were not selected in the architectural competition.

Our other events as part of the "Biennale Architectures Esch":

19.06.2024 : NS-Architektur in Esch/Alzette und Luxemburg

More infos

10.07.2024 : Traces de la Seconde Guerre mondiale dans l‘espace urbain

More infos


For all other enquiries regarding your booking, please contact us here :
