Published by
Musée national de la Résistance
Frank Schroeder, Laurent Moyse, Elisabeth Hoffmann,
Jérôme Courtoy, Sophie Neuenkirch,
Brian Noone, Olivier Bouton
German & English
Op der Lay
ISBN 978-2-87967-244-1, Year 2020,
Pages 168, Format 21,5*21,6cm, Binding Hardcover
Selling price
15 €
Olivier Bouton (layout), Brian Noone (translations)
With the support of
Œuvre Grande-Duchesse Charlotte,
Fondation luxembourgeoise pour la Mémoire de la Shoah,
Deutsche Botschaft Luxemburg,
Matanel Foundation,
Comité Auschwitz Luxembourg
Catalogue of the exhibition organized in 2020 by the Musée national de la Résistance at the Topographie des Terrors in Berlin. The exhibition tells the story of the fate of the Jewish population of Luxembourg in the years before, during and after the Second World War.
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